Look at your bills.
There is a good reason why I stopped subscribing to "try for 30 days, cancel anytime" offers that require a credit card. I looked at my credit card statement recently, a bit more carefully than usual, and discovered a bunch of charges I completely forgot about.
Marketing and the human genome
The Human Genome Project was completed in 2003. It was a historic milestone that mapped human DNA. While the implications for medicine are enormous, we're still very much in the dark when it comes to human behavior.
Didn't. Doesn't. Won't
One of the most frustrating aspects of working with small business owners is their lack of patience when it comes to marketing.
I get it, the Internet is to blame; the deceptively easy tools we use to reach prospects and customers (social media, email, blog) create equally false expectations: the digital equivalence of "If you build it they will come" is "if you post it or email it they will buy."
A tribute to my Mother
I must admit, I don't need Mother's Day to remember my mother. She's etched in my memory and heart forever. But, a few days ago was the anniversary of her passing, I thought it would be good to share her with the world. (Yes, this is Mom and me in the photo). My biological mother passed away two weeks after I was born from a rare infection.
The Marketing Trap: Frequency vs. Relevance
If you're doing any marketing you fall into one of two camps: The frequent marketer who abuses the power of opt-in, connect and follow or the relevant marketer who has taken the time to understand their audience and, in the words of Seth Godin, "will you be missed?"
Unhide your unsubscribe option.
It never fails and happens each time I get a little bit excited.
I read a lot, I am all over the web and occasionally I come across great content. Since I'm a marketing guy I accept the quid-pro-quo - in exchange for my email I get the content - and there lies the "black ice of marketing" which causes so many marketers to crash and burn.
How to set a marketing budget.
It's that time of year again. At this point, you should be finalizing your 2018 goals and give your written marketing plan a final review. But wait, "what about the budget"?
The dreaded "B" word sends chills down every business owner's spine - it can only mean that we'll be spending money...again.
A Wake Up Call to Small Business Owners: Deep Work vs. Busy Work
Spoiler alert: Multitasking does not work. The computer industry introduced this term to describe how a CPU can handle simultaneous processes. Then, a not-so-very-smart corporate bigwig decided that all new hires must be able to multitask
Cruising Altitude
You own a business.
You pilot your plane.
There is no licensing exam to certify business ownership; you simply decide one day to climb into the cockpit. You might have an imaginary co-pilot but chances are you're all alone. And after a few pre-flight checks (website, social media, product in inventory, a few dollars in the bank) you take off.
Dispelling myths about sales failure. #1: It's not the salesperson
When it comes to sales failure stop blaming the salesperson. But wait, you say, there are a lot of non-performing sales people out there so how can you make that statement?
Here's a reality check:
The Comedian's Principle:
Jerry Seinfeld said that he worked over a month in the first three minutes of his act. Every comedian knows that the first few minutes determine whether you will hold on to, or lose the audience.
How much time do you spend on your business?
Blind Obedience.
"Buying Experience" is the most critical aspect of differentiating any business; it is the 'one thing' that allows you to hold on to existing customers and to attract new ones. And therefore, because so many of us increasingly buy online, the brick-and-mortar shopping experience has to exceed all expectations because we have an easy alternative at our fingertips. Yesterday, I was online at RiteAide and stood behind a lovely eighty-year-old sweet lady buying a six-pack of beer.