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The Heraclitus principle

"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." Change is constant.

Here's a typical and frequent conversation:

"How's it going?"

"Same old, same old" or "same $%^& different day"

For business owners the Hercalitus' quote should be a daily mantra.

When we walk into the office, or sit at our home office desk, nothing is the same as it was after we left:

A customer loved our service.

A customer was disappointed with our service.

A competitor released a new product.

An employee decided to leave.

Someone in our industry made a profound announcement that will disrupt how we conduct business in the future.

So if you have a daily "morning huddle" (5 minutes for everyone to get on the same page), or any meeting,  replace "what's new?" with "what has changed since yesterday?"

Here's the thing: a relentless pursuit of keeping up with change causes us to question everything, a process that leads to continuous improvement and progress of the business at all times.

You might argue that paying too much attention to change is distracting, "what about everything we uncovered yesterday that needs to be addressed today?"

Change isn't waiting for you to get organized, it just happens. Managing projects is something you can control and you should.

Which brings up another pointless and irrelevant statement, "we have a full plate we can't take on anything else"

Yes you can. If there is anything I have seen consistently in the years I spent in the world of small business it's the "busy mentality": the notion that busy is good. It isn't.

What's important is not what you do between 9-5 but whether your work made a difference; employment isn't a service, it's about meaningful contribution.

Change doesn't wait for employees to get unbusy, change happens and it is always impactful. The question is are you paying attention?

So when you step into your office tomorrow remember Heraclitus: it's not the same office and you're not the same either.